Our LNC solution can be non-intrusively applied to existing trees through irrigation systems, sprayed onto the surface, or injected directly into the soil. This versatile application allows the liquid to permeate the soil and form a structure that acts like a sponge around tree root zones. By retaining water and nutrients more effectively, LNC reduces the need for frequent irrigation, enhances soil health, and improves growth conditions. This leads to healthier trees with strengthened drought resilience, making forest management practices more sustainable and less resource-intensive.
In reforestation projects, the initial survival and health of newly planted trees are crucial. LNC improves soil health, reducing transplantation shock and enhancing the survival rates of saplings. By creating a more supportive soil environment, our technology helps young trees establish more quickly with less water. This fosters healthier soil conditions and makes trees and forests resilient and more sustainable.
Applied directly to forests through irrigation systems, sprayed around trees, or injected into the ground.
LNC enters the soil’s root zone, forming a structure that retains more water and nutrients.
Fosters improved soil health, better growth conditions, and drought resilience.